
NodeJS convert to Byte Array code return different results compare to python

NodeJS convert to Byte Array code return different results compare to python Question: I got the following Javascript code and I need to convert it to Python(I’m not an expert in hashing so sorry for my knowledge on this subject) function generateAuthHeader(dataToSign) { let apiSecretHash = new Buffer("Rbju7azu87qCTvZRWbtGqg==", ‘base64’); let apiSecret = apiSecretHash.toString(‘ascii’); var hash …

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SHA256 Personal Implementation Is Only Returning The Correct Hash Value For Input Messages With A Block Size That Doesn't Exceed 512 Bits

SHA256 Personal Implementation Is Only Returning The Correct Hash Value For Input Messages With A Block Size That Doesn't Exceed 512 Bits Question: SOLVED For a while I’ve been working on my own implementation of the SHA256 in Python to entertain my interest in mathematics and programming. The problem I’m currently struggling with is that …

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jsSHA and Python hashlib give different results for same input

jsSHA and Python hashlib give different results for same input Question: The following snippets use Nodejs and Python to calculate a hash from the same input content, but they give different results. It’s weird. // npm install jssha const jssha = require("jssha"); var s = new jssha("SHA-1", "TEXT"); s.setHMACKey("abc", "TEXT") s.update("123") console.log(s.getHMAC("B64")) The result is …

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Sumation hash and key value in python

Sumation hash and key value in python Question: I try to sum hash + Key to gain new hash value. The key value: a= "111631279578723877696242174" The Hash Value by SHA-256: b = "7de8c9d1ce09fd2554fc0468ae52d5144800d3ae3ae9b075a3ba4494e5e55f50" My idea is to convert them to a binary value and sum the two but I got an error: V1= list(map(bin, bytearray(a, …

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Open XML document protection implementation (documentProtection class)

Open XML document protection implementation (documentProtection class) Question: I’m trying to implement the Open XML documentProtection hash protection of a MS Word (2019) document in Python to test the hashing algorithm. So I’ve created a Word document, protected it against editing with this password: johnjohn. Then, opening the document as ZIP/XML, I see the following …

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Python : name 'set_password' is not defined

Python : name 'set_password' is not defined Question: Im trying to register users hashing their passwords before add to database as follows settings.py PASSWORD_HASHERS = ( ‘django.contrib.auth.hashers.MD5PasswordHasher’, ) Models.py from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractBaseUser class Users(AbstractBaseUser): name = models.CharField(max_length=200) email = models.CharField(max_length=200) password = models.CharField(max_length=255) Views.py name = form.cleaned_data.get(‘name’) email = form.cleaned_data.get(’email’) password = form.cleaned_data.get(‘password’) date_joined …

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Why iterators and generators are hashable?

Why iterators and generators are hashable? Question: As title. I mean, you can invoke next(obj) and point to the next element. So the internal state of the iterable or generator will change. Why they are hashable? Asked By: Marco Sulla || Source Answers: While the internal state of the generator can change, the generator as …

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Why does Python's hash of infinity have the digits of π?

Why does Python's hash of infinity have the digits of π? Question: The hash of infinity in Python has digits matching pi: >>> inf = float(‘inf’) >>> hash(inf) 314159 >>> int(math.pi*1e5) 314159 Is that just a coincidence or is it intentional? Asked By: wim || Source Answers: _PyHASH_INF is defined as a constant equal to …

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Unpacking ripemd160 result in python

Unpacking ripemd160 result in python Question: I am working on a program which does a lot of hashing, and in one of the steps I take a result of hashlib’s ripemd160 hash and convert it into an integer. The lines are: ripe_fruit = new(‘ripemd160’, sha256(key.to_der()).digest()) key_hash160 = struct.unpack(“<Q”, ripe_fruit.digest())[0] It gives me the error: struct.error: …

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