
How to subplot histogram using multiple columns with plotly?

How to subplot histogram using multiple columns with plotly? Question: So I have data that I transformed up to this point (pic below). How can I now subplot histograms that will show me the programming languages used per job? I tried with just 2 columns at first: px.histogram(languages_job_title_grouped, x =[‘Python’,’SQL’], facet_col = ‘Role’, facet_col_wrap = …

Total answers: 1

Generate a histogram with counting in pandas

Generate a histogram with counting in pandas Question: I have to make a mass histogram of animals with a dataframe on pandas. The goal is that on my x-axis, I have the different masses of my CSV file, and on my y-axis, I have the number of animals that have that mass. I am a …

Total answers: 2

Adding plot and axes title to histogram subplots

Adding plot and axes title to histogram subplots Question: I am trying to add individual plot title and axes title. I tried axes.set_xlabel() but getting an error. I used the following code import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd uid_df = pd.read_excel(‘myexcel.xlsx’, sheet_name=’UID’) sid_df = pd.read_excel(‘myexcel.xlsx’, sheet_name=’SID’) fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 3) axes.set_xlabel(‘x-label’) axes.set_ylabel(‘y-label’) …

Total answers: 1

Building individual classes, count and show in separate DF

Building individual classes, count and show in separate DF Question: I use a DataFrame looking like this: Index Type Value 0 A 4 1 A 9 2 C 51 3 B 40 4 C 32 5 C 14 I want to classify the items from the DataFrame in the classes/ranges 0-1, 11-50, 51-100 and create …

Total answers: 1

Pandas hist how to set bins by slice step

Pandas hist how to set bins by slice step Question: For example, there is a dataset of vacancies with salary mentioned, so I want to make a histogram showing the distribution of salaries by number of vacancies. I want to organise bins by regular steps, e.g. a new bin every 50000 "money". I can write …

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how to generate per-pixel histogram from many images in numpy?

how to generate per-pixel histogram from many images in numpy? Question: I have tens of thousands of images. I want to generate a histogram for each pixel. I have come up with the following code using NumPy to do this that works: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt nimages = 1000 im_shape = …

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Adding Outlines to Plot with Multiple Histograms Side by Side

Adding Outlines to Plot with Multiple Histograms Side by Side Question: I am using matplotlib to create a plot with multiple histograms. The template code that I am using for my graphs is here. I am trying to outline the histograms, so I modified the code in the for-loop to include the edgecolor argument like …

Total answers: 1

Why does '%0.0f%%' need a modulus symbol after it in this context?

Why does '%0.0f%%' need a modulus symbol after it in this context? Question: Why does ‘%0.0f%%’ need a modulus after it? So far I know that the %0.0f removes all the numbers after the decimal point but what are the two ‘%%’for and why is a modulus required after it? The code by the way …

Total answers: 1