
Inadequate transform produced by good homographic feature match

Inadequate transform produced by good homographic feature match Question: I’m trying to determine a method to rotate and translate a scanned 2D image to match it’s near-identical but lower-quality digital template. After running the code, I want the images to very closely align when overlaid, so that post-processing effects can be applied to the scan …

Total answers: 1

findHomography producing inaccurate transformation matrix

findHomography producing inaccurate transformation matrix Question: I have the coordinates of the four corners of a table in my image frame as well as the actual dimensions of that table. What I want to do is find the transformation matrix from the table in the frame (first image) to the actual table (second image). The …

Total answers: 1

Implementing from scratch cv2.warpPerspective()

Implementing from scratch cv2.warpPerspective() Question: I was making some experimentations with the OpenCV function cv2.warpPerspective when I decided to code it from scratch to better understand its pipeline. Though I followed (hopefully) every theoretical step, it seems I am still missing something and I am struggling a lot to understand what. Could you please help …

Total answers: 1

How to project a chessboard in camera coordinates to real-world coordinates in OpenCV using rvecs and tvecs outputs of cv.calibrateCamera?

How to project a chessboard in camera coordinates to real-world coordinates in OpenCV using rvecs and tvecs outputs of cv.calibrateCamera? Question: Situation Following the Camera Calibration tutorial in OpenCV I managed to get an undistorted image of a checkboard using cv.calibrateCamera: Original image: (named image.tif in my computer) Code: import numpy as np import cv2 …

Total answers: 3

Understanding OpenCV homography at a minimum of points

Understanding OpenCV homography at a minimum of points Question: I am quite intrigued by the idea of a homography and try to get it to work at a minimal example with python and OpenCV. Yet, my tests do not pass and I am not quite sure why. I pass in a set of corresponding points …

Total answers: 2

Opencv homography to find global xy coordinates from pixel xy coordinates

Opencv homography to find global xy coordinates from pixel xy coordinates Question: I am trying to find the transformation matrix H so that i can multiply the (x,y) pixel coordinates and get the (x,y) real world coordinates. Here is my code: import cv2 import numpy as np from numpy.linalg import inv if __name__ == ‘__main__’ …

Total answers: 2