
Changing weather data frequency from 3 hours to 1 hour

Changing weather data frequency from 3 hours to 1 hour Question: I have weather data which has the following column where the first 3 rows look like this date hour city condition snow rain 2023-01-30 3 berlin snow 1 0 2023-01-30 6 berlin rain 0 1 2023-01-30 9 berlin clear 0 0 I want to …

Total answers: 1

Python: get datetime of last hour

Python: get datetime of last hour Question: I want to get the date time object for last hour. Lets say the sys time is “2011-9-28 06:11:30” I want to get the output as “2011-9-28 05” #{06 – 1 hour} I used: lastHourDateTime = date.today() – timedelta(hours = 1) print lastHourDateTime.strftime(‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S’) However, my output is …

Total answers: 3