
Using Numba njit with np.array

Using Numba njit with np.array Question: I have two Python functions that I am trying to speed up with njit as they are impacting the performance of my program. Below is a MWE that reproduces the following error when we add the @njit(fastmath=True) decorator to f. Otherwise it works. I believe the error is because …

Total answers: 2

SLURM Array Job BASH scripting within python subprocess

SLURM Array Job BASH scripting within python subprocess Question: Update: I was able to get a variable assignment from SLURM_JOB_ID with this line. JOBID=`echo ${SLURM_JOB_ID}` However, I haven’t yet gotten SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID to assign itself to JOBID. Due to needing to support existing HPC workflows. I have a need to pass a bash script within a …

Total answers: 1

How to execute mpirun or mpiexec command from a python script?

How to execute mpirun or mpiexec command from a python script? Question: I have an MPI application written in C++. When I run the application using mpirun or mpiexec on my local machine shell, it works fine. The problem is that the mpi application should be executed after a request from the network (e.g. HTTP …

Total answers: 3