
Simplest Example of Linear Interpolation for Color in Python

Simplest Example of Linear Interpolation for Color in Python Question: I am looking for a way to color objects based on the colors of nearby objects, and from what I’ve read it looks like linear interpolation is the thing to do. I have looked through a lot (all?) of the posts on SO about linear …

Total answers: 3

Converting hsl to hex in python3

Converting hsl to hex in python3 Question: I have the following string taken from the atom one-dark syntax: one_dark_syn = “”” @hue-1: hsl(187, 47%, 55%); // <-cyan @hue-2: hsl(207, 82%, 66%); // <-blue @hue-3: hsl(286, 60%, 67%); // <-purple @hue-4: hsl( 95, 38%, 62%); // <-green @hue-5: hsl(355, 65%, 65%); // <-red 1 @hue-5-2: hsl( …

Total answers: 2

Convert RGB array to HSL

Convert RGB array to HSL Question: A disclaimer first, I’m not very skilled in Python, you guys have my admiration. My problem: I need to generate 10k+ images from templates (128px by 128px) with various hues and luminances. I load the images and turn them into arrays image = Image.open(dir + “/” + file).convert(‘RGBA’) arr=np.array(np.asarray(image).astype(‘float’)) …

Total answers: 3