
Calculating Content-Length with Python

Calculating Content-Length with Python Question: I’m trying to make a post, however each time I did it, I would get a 411 response error. I’m using the requests library in python. In [1]: Out[1]: <Response [411]> So then I specified the content length h = {‘content-length’ : ‘0’} and try again. In [2]:,h) …

Total answers: 3

Python requests exception handling

Python requests exception handling Question: How to handle exceptions with python library requests? For example how to check is PC connected to internet? When I try try: requests.get(‘’) except ConnectionError: # handle the exception it gives me error name ConnectionError is not defined Asked By: user1159798 || Source Answers: Assuming you did import requests, you …

Total answers: 5

How to send cookies in a post request with the Python Requests library?

How to send cookies in a post request with the Python Requests library? Question: I’m trying to use the Requests library to send cookies with a post request, but I’m not sure how to actually set up the cookies based on its documentation. The script is for use on Wikipedia, and the cookie(s) that need …

Total answers: 4

Using headers with the Python requests library's get method

Using headers with the Python requests library's get method Question: So I recently stumbled upon this great library for handling HTTP requests in Python; found here I love working with it, but I can’t figure out how to add headers to my get requests. Help? Asked By: Breedly || Source Answers: Seems pretty straightforward, …

Total answers: 4