
How to set two variables at once in Hy

How to set two variables at once in Hy Question: I just started learning Hy (my first attempt at a Lisp dialect). I have a function that returns a tuple of 2 values, and I don’t know how to receive it: (defn function [] #("Hello" "World")) ; I don’t know how to initialize two variables …

Total answers: 1

How to include Hy code inside python code?

How to include Hy code inside python code? Question: For example we have this Hy code: (print “Hy, world!”) And we have two pieces of Python code. Piece one: print(“Some python code”) Piece two: print(“Some other python code”) How can we make something like this: print(“Some python code”) (print “Hy, world!”) print(“Some other python code”) …

Total answers: 2