
IPython, "name 'plt' not defined"

IPython, "name 'plt' not defined" Question: I recently installed Atom as an IDE on my laptop, for university. I installed Hydrogen as a convenient solution to show some plots on the go. But whenever I run Hydrogen, I get this error: NameError Traceback (most recent call last) < ipython-input-1-1eb00ff78cf2> in <module> —-> 1 plt.show() NameError: …

Total answers: 2

Jupyter Notebook can't find modules for python 3.6

Jupyter Notebook can't find modules for python 3.6 Question: Not sure what happened but whenever I use ipython, hydrogen (atom) or jupyter notebook can’t find any of the installed modules. I know I have pandas installed but the notebook says its not found. I should add that when I run the script normally (python script.py) …

Total answers: 9