
What is the difference between jedi and python language server in VS code IDE?

What is the difference between jedi and python language server in VS code IDE? Question: I am using VS code for python development. I had to disable python language server and enable jedi to fix an excessive RAM consumption problem with python language server. Many people encountered similar problems when you search on Google. What …

Total answers: 1

PyCharm: Unresolved reference with Scapy

PyCharm: Unresolved reference with Scapy Question: I am working on a network tool that I write in python using scapy. As IDE I am using Pycharm. My Code works. So if I run it, everything works just as intended. My problem is that PyCharm is giving me some errors. It marks every use of IP, …

Total answers: 3

spyder change editor default font/scale/zoom

spyder change editor default font/scale/zoom Question: Is there an option in Spyder to set/change a default script window (editor) scale? I always have to adjust the script display for each script when I open Spyder with ctrl + mouse wheel and it annoys me a lil bit. I searched in Spyder preferences and in google, …

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Unhandled exceptions in PyQt5

Unhandled exceptions in PyQt5 Question: Have a look at the following MWE. import sys from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMainWindow, QPushButton, QApplication class MainWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.button = QPushButton(‘Bham!’) self.setCentralWidget(self.button) self.button.clicked.connect(self.btnClicked) def btnClicked(self): print(sys.excepthook) raise Exception #import traceback #sys.excepthook = traceback.print_exception if __name__ == ‘__main__’: app = QApplication(sys.argv) mainWindow = MainWindow() app.exec_() I have …

Total answers: 2

theme for python eric ide

theme for python eric ide Question: I want to change my background IDE in eric but when I do this in preferences>editor>style nothing change in background color, just font styles changed. Is there any solution for this? cause white color make a huge damage in editor when working lots of hours Asked By: Hamed_gibago || …

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How to get Spyder to open python scripts (.py files) directly from Windows Explorer

How to get Spyder to open python scripts (.py files) directly from Windows Explorer Question: I have recently installed the Anaconda distribution on Windows 7 (Anaconda 3-2.4.0-Windows-x86_64). Unlike IDLE, I can’t right-click and open a py file in the Spyder IDE. I will have to open Spyder first and then navigate to the file or …

Total answers: 12

using the pycharm debugger with a flask application factory

using the pycharm debugger with a flask application factory Question: I am typing more print statements than code. It’s killing me. If a flask development server is invoked via below, I can use PyCharm debugger from ersapp import app if __name__ == ‘__main__’: I am following the example in Miguel Grinberg’s book and an …

Total answers: 5

Turning off IntelliJ Auto-save

Turning off IntelliJ Auto-save Question: I have done a fair amount of googling about this question and most of the threads I’ve found are 2+ years old, so I am wondering if anything has changed, or if there is a new method to solve the issue pertaining to this topic. As you might know when …

Total answers: 8

How to run Debug server for Django project in PyCharm Community Edition?

How to run Debug server for Django project in PyCharm Community Edition? Question: Has anyone had issues setting up a debug configuration for Django project in PyCharm Community Edition? Community Edition of the IDE is lacking the project type option on project setup and then when I am setting up Debug or Run config it …

Total answers: 2

Unresolved reference issue in PyCharm

Unresolved reference issue in PyCharm Question: I have a directory structure ├── ├── src │   ├── │   ├── … And I can access the network module with sys.path.insert(). import sys import os.path sys.path.insert(0, “./src”) from networkAlgorithm import * However, pycharm complains that it cannot access the module. How can I teach pycham to …

Total answers: 28