
assign the condition of the if statement to a variable

assign the condition of the if statement to a variable Question: I have a long snippet of code and i am trying to shorten it. This is what I have now: statuses = cleaned_data.get("statuses") if statuses: for status in statuses: … it would be nice if i can assign the value of cleaned_data.get("statuses") inside the …

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Python. List comprehensions with not in and or

Python. List comprehensions with not in and or Question: I have a list of strings that I want to filter: A = [‘enc_1’, ‘enc_2’, ‘enc_lag’, ‘lag_1’, ‘lag_2’, ‘price’, ‘price_std’] If I need strings that contain EITHER ‘enc’ OR ‘lag’, I can do the following: [_ for _ in A if (‘enc’ in _) or (‘lag’ …

Total answers: 3

Using For Loop and If Statement Together

Using For Loop and If Statement Together Question: I am trying to get a function, "mock_function", to iterate through the array, "x", and either square or cube its elements, depending on if the element is greater than 5 or not. I need the output to be an array as well, containing the elements squared or …

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Are nested ifs equals to and logic?

Are nested ifs equals to and logic? Question: I wonder whether these two Python codes are always the same or not. if condition_1: if condition_2: some_process and if condition_1 and condition_2: some_process I searched but did not find any specific answer to this question. So, for example, you are trying to evaluate a variable, but …

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Python: printing a line if a certain line comes after it

Python: printing a line if a certain line comes after it Question: Lets say I have a .txt file which reads this is line x this is line y this is line x this is line x this is line x this is line y this is line x this is line x this is …

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If statement to add column to pandas dataframe gives the same values

If statement to add column to pandas dataframe gives the same values Question: I want to add a new column called I have a pandas dataframe called week5_233C. My Python version is 3.19.13. I wrote an if-statement to add a new column to my data set: Spike. If the value in Value [pV] is not …

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check if a dataframe is not empty in 1 line of code in python

check if a dataframe is not empty in 1 line of code in python Question: I am checking if a dataframe is empty or not but I want to do this in 1 line of code as I am checking many dataframe’s and don’t want to repeat the same code again as it becomes chunky. …

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Removing rows based on the combined value of other rows

Removing rows based on the combined value of other rows Question: I want to remove the row with "SubAggregate"=’All’ if the rows with the same "Month" and "MainAggregate" sums ("ValueTraded") to the same as the corresponding "SubAggregate"=’All’ value My idea was to group by "MainAggregate" and "Month" and if the value was equal to two …

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How to use a Postgreql Boolean value as a parameter in a python if statement?

How to use a Postgreql Boolean value as a parameter in a python if statement? Question: I have been trying to create a python function that will use a select statement that will return a single Boolean value from my postgres database and then use it in a python if statement. I have found out …

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If/else stops after a few statements

If/else stops after a few statements Question: I am trying to create and if/elseif statement so that when user inputs a number it gives him the answer of how many integers he has. message = int(input("Enter an integer:")) if message < 0: print("1 digit, negative") elif message < 10: print("1 digit") elif message >= 10: …

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