
How to convert cv2 image to skimage?

How to convert cv2 image to skimage? Question: I am reading an image from a camera that comes in cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR format. Below is a temporary work around for what I am trying to achieve: import cv2 from skimage import transform, io … _, img = img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) cv2.imwrite("temp.png", img) img = io.imread("temp.png", …

Total answers: 1

Problems with using a rough greyscale algorithm?

Problems with using a rough greyscale algorithm? Question: So I’m designing a few programs for editing photos in python using PIL and one of them was converting an image to greyscale (I’m avoiding the use of any functions from PIL). The algorithm I’ve employed is simple: for each pixel (colour-depth is 24), I’ve calculated the …

Total answers: 7