
Resolvilng: 'InvalidArgumentError: Number of channels must be 1, 3 or 4, was 0 [[{{node DecodeBmp_1}}]] [[{{node IteratorGetNext_11}}]]'

Resolvilng: 'InvalidArgumentError: Number of channels must be 1, 3 or 4, was 0 [[{{node DecodeBmp_1}}]] [[{{node IteratorGetNext_11}}]]' Question: I am trying to train a neural network for it to find lines in images, the images are in bmp file format and grey-scale. After the network training phase has begun the program stops and outputs the …

Total answers: 3

How to extract contour of the front panel the washing machine?

How to extract contour of the front panel the washing machine? Question: I am looking a robust way to extract the contour of the front panel of a washing machine. Or just get 4 corner points of the front panel. I’ve tried color masking but didn’t find stable results. Here some examples: Asked By: eugenn …

Total answers: 1

How to get region properties from image that is already labeled in OpenCV?

How to get region properties from image that is already labeled in OpenCV? Question: I am labeling images using the watershed algorithm in OpenCV (similar to this tutorial: such that at the end I obtain an array of labels where each region has an integer value corresponding to its label. Now, I want to …

Total answers: 3

Strange results while training with keras

Strange results while training with keras Question: I am trying to train a unet model on braTS18 dataset (medical data with nifiti images) using keras with tensorflow. However I am getting very strange results: as you can see, accuracy starts with 96% and gets to 99% at the third epoch. Also the validation loss doesn’t …

Total answers: 1

Tensorflow U-Net Multiclass Label

Tensorflow U-Net Multiclass Label Question: I’m new to stackoverflow so please apologize any typical newbie mistakes. I want to set up a CNN with U-Net architecture in Python and Tensorflow. I tried to reuse some code I got which works on binary classification and wanted to adapt it to detect 3 classes. The code I …

Total answers: 2

Implementing U-net for multi-class road segmentation

Implementing U-net for multi-class road segmentation Question: I am trying to train a U-net for image segmentation on satellite data and therewith extract a road network with nine different road types. Thus far I have tried many different U-net codes that are freely available on the web, however I was not able to tailor them …

Total answers: 1

How to create mask images from COCO dataset?

How to create mask images from COCO dataset? Question: So I have been using this code,. I am trying to generate the raw mask of the images from COCO dataset. dataDir=’G:’ dataType=’train2014′ annFile='{}/annotations/instances_{}.json’.format(dataDir,dataType) coco=COCO(annFile) annFile = ‘{}/annotations/person_keypoints_{}.json’.format(dataDir,dataType) coco_kps=COCO(annFile) catIds = coco.getCatIds(catNms=[‘person’]) imgIds = coco.getImgIds(catIds=catIds ); imgIds = coco.getImgIds(imgIds = imgIds[0]) img = coco.loadImgs(imgIds[np.random.randint(0,len(imgIds))])[0] I = …

Total answers: 5

OCR, Cropping the letters

OCR, Cropping the letters Question: I’m building a simple OCR, I’m facing a problem of not being to crop the letters after segmenting them using OpenCV. Can anyone help me with a simple way to crop the letters? Here’s the segmenting code. import cv2 import numpy as np mser = cv2.MSER_create() # original image # …

Total answers: 1