
IMDb webscraping for the top 250 movies using Beautifulsoup

IMDb webscraping for the top 250 movies using Beautifulsoup Question: I know that there are many similar questions here already, but none of them gives me a satisfying answer for my problem. So here it is: We need to create a dataframe from the top 250 movies from IMDb for an assignment. So we need …

Total answers: 2

How to get more than 10 search results from the IMDB API?

How to get more than 10 search results from the IMDB API? Question: I am trying to suggest movies to an user who has entered a movie genre, e.g. "horror", "sci-fi", etc. For this, I have written a function that makes an API call towards the IMDB API: import requests def search_movies(search, api_key): movies = …

Total answers: 3

TorchText Vocab TypeError: Vocab.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'min_freq'

TorchText Vocab TypeError: Vocab.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'min_freq' Question: I am working on a CNN Sentiment analysis machine learning model which uses the IMDb dataset provided by the Torchtext library. On one of my lines of code vocab = Vocab(counter, min_freq = 1, specials=(‘<unk>’, ‘<BOS>’, ‘<EOS>’, ‘<PAD>’)) I am getting a TypeError for …

Total answers: 3