
Out of memory converting image files to numpy array

Out of memory converting image files to numpy array Question: I’m trying to run a loop that iterates through an image folder and returns two numpy arrays: x – stores the image as a numpy array y – stores the label. A folder can easily have over 40.000 rgb images, with dimensions (224,224). I have …

Total answers: 1

OpenCV imread transparency gone

OpenCV imread transparency gone Question: I have an image (a captcha) that I download from the web. When I loaded to opencv it seems to loose its properties or simply mixes the transparent background with the dark/black colors: Currently the code does nothing but loading a writing again: captchaImg = cv2.imread(‘captcha1.png’) cv2.imwrite("captcha2.png", captchaImg) I have …

Total answers: 2

The parameter `image` must be a 2-dimensional array

The parameter `image` must be a 2-dimensional array Question: I am going to compute co-occurance matrix of some textures and in following you see the code, normally when I hardcode one address in cv2.imread(), no error arises, but now that I have used one variable(train_image), I got error, that ‘The parameter image must be a …

Total answers: 3