
Find the division remainder of a number

Find the division remainder of a number Question: How could I go about finding the division remainder of a number in Python? For example: If the number is 26 and divided number is 7, then the division remainder is 5. (since 7+7+7=21 and 26-21=5.) For simple divisibility testing, see How do you check whether a …

Total answers: 13

Negative integer division surprising result

Negative integer division surprising result Question: In my application I encountered the following and was surprised by the results: 8/-7=-2 (both integers). What does this mean? Asked By: Vivek S || Source Answers: For the actual values, i.e. 8.0/(-7.0), the result is roughly -1.143. Your result using integer division is being rounded down toward the …

Total answers: 5

Round with integer division

Round with integer division Question: Is there is a simple, pythonic way of rounding to the nearest whole number without using floating point? I’d like to do the following but with integer arithmetic: skip = int(round(1.0 * total / surplus)) ============== @John: Floating point is not reproducible across platforms. If you want your code to …

Total answers: 7