
PyCharm [Intellij] auto-import from Binary Skeletons instead of standard python library

PyCharm [Intellij] auto-import from Binary Skeletons instead of standard python library Question: I’m trying to import Decimal from decimal but when I try and do this using Intellij it just says I can import from _decimal instead which is in the Binary Skeletons. I’m using Poetry and Python 3.10, and it’s almost certainly something wrong …

Total answers: 2

'Prophet' object has no attribute 'stan_backend' and there is no answer for me

'Prophet' object has no attribute 'stan_backend' and there is no answer for me Question: I want to use Facebook’s prophet,however when I try to create a model: model = prt.Prophet(stan_backend=’CMDSTANPY’) It occurs mistake like this: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 24, in <module> model = prt.Prophet(stan_backend=’CMDSTANPY’) File "", line 142, in __init__ …

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How do I run Python Scripts in Java with the ScriptEngine?

How do I run Python Scripts in Java with the ScriptEngine? Question: I’m trying to run Python Scripts in my Java Application with Jyton/ScriptEngine but it’s not working. ScriptEngine does not find JythonScriptEngine. public static void main(String[] Args) throws FileNotFoundException, ScriptException { PySystemState engineSys = new PySystemState(); engineSys.path.append(Py.newString("C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/jython2.7.2/jython.jar")); Py.setSystemState(engineSys); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); ScriptContext …

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Pytorch doesn't work with CUDA in PyCharm/IntelliJ

Pytorch doesn't work with CUDA in PyCharm/IntelliJ Question: I have just downloaded PyTorch with CUDA via Anaconda and when I type into the Anaconda terminal: import torch if torch.cuda.is_available(): print(‘it works’) then he outputs that; that means that it worked and it works with PyTorch. But when I go to my IDE (PyCharm and IntelliJ) …

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PyCharm comment print lines

PyCharm comment print lines Question: Is there any shortcut in the IntelliJ IDE such as PyCharm to comment all the lines start with ‘print’? Since during the debug I always write many prints, after the code runs well I want to find a convenient way to comment on all lines starting with ‘print’. Now I …

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Is IntelliJ Python 3 inspection "Expected a dictionary, got a dict" a false positive for super with **kwargs?

Is IntelliJ Python 3 inspection "Expected a dictionary, got a dict" a false positive for super with **kwargs? Question: I use Python 3 and want to wrap argparse.ArgumentParser with a custom class that sets formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter by default. I can do this successfully, however IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1 with Python Plugin (PyCharm) gives a warning for the …

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selenium: 'geckodriver' executable may have wrong permissions

selenium: 'geckodriver' executable may have wrong permissions Question: My setup: MacOS 10.12.3 virtual env. I’ve installed selenium via pip install selenium (3.3.1). I’ve installed geckodriver via brew install geckodriver 0.15.0 Trying to run the following code in intelliJ IDE: from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys driver = webdriver.Firefox(executable_path=’/usr/local/opt/geckodriver’) driver.get(“”) elem = driver.find_element_by_name(“q”) and …

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Error running Django in Intellij / Pycharm

Error running Django in Intellij / Pycharm Question: i have problem running Django server in Intellij / Pycharm (I tried in both). There is that red cross: And this is the error i get: I have Python 2.7.10 and Django (via pip) installed on my computer. I’ve tried reinstalling both python and Django, but it …

Total answers: 4

How do I run doctests with PyCharm?

How do I run doctests with PyCharm? Question: In the PyCharm IDE, if I right-click on a function/method with a doctest, sometimes the right-click menu will give me the option: “Run ‘Doctest my_function_name’” and sometimes the right-click menu, instead, only gives the option to run the whole file (NOT as a doctest). What determines when …

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Turning off IntelliJ Auto-save

Turning off IntelliJ Auto-save Question: I have done a fair amount of googling about this question and most of the threads I’ve found are 2+ years old, so I am wondering if anything has changed, or if there is a new method to solve the issue pertaining to this topic. As you might know when …

Total answers: 8