
Read / Write Parquet files without reading into memory (using Python)

Read / Write Parquet files without reading into memory (using Python) Question: I looked at the standard documentation that I would expect to capture my need (Apache Arrow and Pandas), and I could not seem to figure it out. I know Python best, so I would like to use Python, but it is not a …

Total answers: 4

Python read/write vs shutil copy

Python read/write vs shutil copy Question: I need to save files uploaded to my server (Max file size is 10MB) and found this answer, which works perfectly. However, I’m wondering what is the point of using the shutil module, and what is the difference between this: file_location = f"files/{uploaded_file.filename}" with open(file_location, "wb+") as file_object: file_object.write( …

Total answers: 2

IO backend error in the xarray for netcdf file

IO backend error in the xarray for netcdf file Question: I am trying to open a .netcdf file using xarray and it is showing this error. I am unable to resolve this error and I have found no such solution to resolve this error. I have tried with different versions of Anaconda and Ubuntu but …

Total answers: 5

Upload data to S3 bucket without saving it to a disk

Upload data to S3 bucket without saving it to a disk Question: Ther is the boto3 method upload_file(Filename=’path’) that uses the Filename parameter to read a file from a disk and upload it to a bucket. Is it possible to upload data without saving it to a disk? Asked By: Mykola Zotko || Source Answers: …

Total answers: 2

Do I need to os.fsync() before f.close()?

Do I need to os.fsync() before f.close()? Question: "what exactly the python’s file.flush() is doing?" says you should first f.flush() and then os.fsync(f.fileno()) to make sure the data are written to the disk. Furthermore, "does close() imply flush() in Python?" claims that f.close() implies a flush(). Now, the question is: should I do os.fsync(f.fileno()) f.close() …

Total answers: 2

How to print a string as it is written?

How to print a string as it is written? Question: Let’s say that I have a string like this: ‘Hello n this world is nice’. When calling the print function print(‘Hello n this world is nice’) the result would be such that a new line is introduced after ‘Hello’. If I wanted to print exactly …

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convert io.StringIO to io.BytesIO

convert io.StringIO to io.BytesIO Question: original question: i got a StringIO object, how can i convert it into BytesIO? update: The more general question is, how to convert a binary (encoded) file-like object into decoded file-like object in python3? the naive approach i got is: import io sio = io.StringIO(‘wello horld’) bio = io.BytesIO(‘utf8’)) print( …

Total answers: 6

Try to print frame '*' and diagonal in python

Try to print frame '*' and diagonal in python Question: I try to print ‘*’ in frame and in diagonal . This is what I did: x=10 y=10 def print_frame(n, m, c): print c * m for i in range(1, n – 1): print c ,’ ‘*(n-2-i),c, ‘ ‘*i , c , c print c …

Total answers: 1

How to store binary data in pewee BlobField

How to store binary data in pewee BlobField Question: How can I store binary data io.BytesIO() in SQLlite DB using peewee? When I try to store it in BlobField I’m getting following error: ValueError: Value must be either a bytes, memoryview or BigBitFieldData instance. Asked By: Leopoldo || Source Answers: It appears that you’re not …

Total answers: 2