
ValueError: unsupported format character ']' (0x5d)

ValueError: unsupported format character ']' (0x5d) Question: I’m trying to make irc bot with python. The bot will parse XML and paste its content on channel. This is part of my code f = open("1.xml") data = f.close() domi = parseString(data) attackerbartag = domi.getElementsByTagName(‘bar’)[0].toxml() attackerbar = attackerbartag.replace(‘<bar>’,”).replace(‘</bar>’,”) attackerbar = round(float(attackerbar)2) defenderbar = 100 – …

Total answers: 3

IRC client in python

IRC client in python Question: I’m writing python code for IRC client. I want to understand how IRC client and server communicating each other. Can anyone give me good tutorial or IRC communication architecture to understand it in depth? Thanks Asked By: Ha-eun Chung || Source Answers: For most protocols a good way to start …

Total answers: 3