
Jenkins sudo: a terminal is required to read the password

Jenkins sudo: a terminal is required to read the password Question: I have a FastAPI app for which I have configured Jenkins pipeline. When I execute unit tests with the code coverage enabled they are failing with the following error : Started by user gold Obtained Jenkinsfile from git [Pipeline] Start of Pipeline [Pipeline] …

Total answers: 2

Jenkinsfile and Python virtualenv

Jenkinsfile and Python virtualenv Question: I am trying to setup a project that uses the shiny new Jenkins pipelines, more specifically a multibranch project. I have a Jenkinsfile created in a test branch as below: node { stage ‘Preparing VirtualEnv’ if (!fileExists(‘.env’)){ echo ‘Creating virtualenv …’ sh ‘virtualenv –no-site-packages .env’ } sh ‘. .env/bin/activate’ sh …

Total answers: 3