
No menu for adding WSL python interpreter in PyCharm

No menu for adding WSL python interpreter in PyCharm Question: I was following this guide from official jetbrains page, until the step 2 comes in the existence. In the picture mentioned in that page, has so many options like ssh, wsl, vagrant, docker, etc. In my pycharm (latest 2019.3.4) it only shows 4 options – …

Total answers: 2

How to launch PyCharm from terminal/command prompt

How to launch PyCharm from terminal/command prompt Question: How can I launch PyCharm from terminal / command prompt? I tried charm, charm., pycharm., pycharm. None of these commands work. Is it possible to open/launch PyCharm from a command prompt / terminal ? Asked By: zzob || Source Answers: If you are using ubuntu, go to …

Total answers: 9

PyCharm – can't use remote interpreter

PyCharm – can't use remote interpreter Question: Strange thing. I just can’t use remote interpreters. I’m 100% sure I saw it before. WTF? I have configured ssh deployment connection and vagrant box. There is nothing interesting under more button. How to add remote interpreter? edit: screenshot from settings → project → project interpreter edit2: problem …

Total answers: 5

How to disable special naming convention inspection of PEP 8 in PyCharm

How to disable special naming convention inspection of PEP 8 in PyCharm Question: I installed PyCharm and enabled pep8 checks in Inspections. If I write: def func(argOne): print(argOne) The IDE shows me this warning: Argument name should be lowercase There is no option to ignore only such inspection. I cant find such error number to …

Total answers: 4