
Using Python to automate creation of JIRA tickets

Using Python to automate creation of JIRA tickets Question: I have been trying to write a python script to automatically raise Jira tickets, and have been running into some trouble. To be more specific, I tried to use both the issue_create and create_issue methods as outlined in the atlassian-python API reference. In the code provided …

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"requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 400 Client Error" creating a Jira issue when using the package atlassian

"requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 400 Client Error" creating a Jira issue when using the package atlassian Question: I have this code on python 3.8: from atlassian import Jira jira = Jira( url=’http://jira.mydomain.com/’, username=’login’, password=’password’) summary = ‘Test summary’ description = ‘Test description’ current_date = datetime.date.today() duedate = datetime.datetime.strftime(current_date, "%Y-%m-%d") fields = {"project": {"key": ‘ARL’}, "summary": summary, "description": description, …

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Python JIRA Rest API get cases from board ORDER BY last updated

Python JIRA Rest API get cases from board ORDER BY last updated Question: I have sucessfully managed to get a Jira rest API working with Python code. It lists cases. However, it lists the last 50 cases order by created date. I want to list the 50 cases order by updated date. This is my …

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Python 3 – Pycharm – Jira REST API – Error: module 'http' has no attribute 'client'

Python 3 – Pycharm – Jira REST API – Error: module 'http' has no attribute 'client' Question: hope you’re all fine You’ll see, I’m using PyCharm 2022.3 (Community Edition) with Python 3.9.7, and I’m trying to execute the following code: #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Required libraries for the program. import requests as req from requests.auth import …

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how can one create a link between two issues using python jira api

how can one create a link between two issues using python jira api Question: I am trying to automate some issue creation tasks that I need to perform.. Well, I don’t like to click too much. I have managed to create issues by import jira jira_conn = jira.JIRA(‘url_to_server’) issue_dict_a = dict( project={‘key’: ‘ABC’}, summary=’summed up’, …

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Is there any way to add components to jira issue using python jira client?

Is there any way to add components to jira issue using python jira client? Question: I was working on a project where I have to update jira issue fields like components , epic links,etc. I am using jira python client(https://pypi.org/project/jira/) to do this task. ticketObj = authJira.issue(‘ABC-12345’) print(ticketObj.fields.components) This is outputing below results [] Because …

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Jira -Python Error

Jira -Python Error Question: I was trying to run this jira script and its been a couple of hours can’t quite figure out what the issue is. can someone help me. I get the following error. Traceback (most recent call last): File “mytest.py”, line 2, in from jira.client import JIRA ImportError: No module named ‘jira’ …

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How to update JIRA issue reporter from Python

How to update JIRA issue reporter from Python Question: I’m trying to update the reporter of an issue using the JIRA Python API (version 1.0.3). I am signed in (using basic auth) as a user who has full permissions, and I am trying to do it for an issue which I myself have created. The …

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How to access the next page using JIRA -REST-API for python

How to access the next page using JIRA -REST-API for python Question: I am trying to fetch all issues related to a project. When I execute the below code, I get only 50 results. I need to navigate all pages and get all the bugs.Please help all_issues = jira.search_issues(‘project=ProjectName’) each_issue = sorted([issue.key for issue in …

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