
Flatten nested json in pandas

Flatten nested json in pandas Question: I have weather observation data received in JSON which I’d like to flatten. One Full Record The first location, contains 25 reports, Rep in ‘Period’ {‘SiteRep’: {‘DV’: {‘type’: ‘Obs’, ‘Location’: [{‘i’: ‘3002’, ‘lat’: ‘60.749’, ‘lon’: ‘-0.854’, ‘name’: ‘BALTASOUND’, ‘Period’: [{‘Rep’: {‘$’: ‘1380’, ‘D’: ‘SW’, ‘G’: ’34’, ‘H’: ‘79.5’, ‘P’: …

Total answers: 1

How to change json data into dataframe

How to change json data into dataframe Question: I need one help to convert json data into dataframe. Could you please help me how to do this? Example: JSON DATA { "user_id": "vmani4", "password": "*****", "api_name": "KOL", "body": { "api_name": "KOL", "columns": [ "kol_id", "jnj_id", "kol_full_nm", "thrc_cd" ], "filter": { "kol_id": "101152", "jnj_id": "7124166", "thrc_nm": …

Total answers: 2

How to deal with nested JSON

How to deal with nested JSON Question: This is an example of one of the JSON objects given to me by the API. There are 100 of these. [{"id": "133248644", "associations": {"deals": {"results": [{"id": "2762673039", "type": "line_item_to_deal"}]}}, "properties": { "createdate": "2020-08-06T15:05:23.253Z", "description": null, "hs_lastmodifieddate": "2020-08-06T15:05:23.253Z", "hs_object_id": "133248644", "name": "test product", "price": "100"}, "createdAt": "2020-08-06T15:05:23.253Z", "updatedAt": …

Total answers: 1

Nested JSON Array to Python Pandas DataFrame

Nested JSON Array to Python Pandas DataFrame Question: I’m trying to expand nested json array in pandas dataframe. That’s the JSON I have: [ { "id": "0001", "name": "Stiven", "location": [{ "country": "Colombia", "department": "Chocó", "city": "Quibdó" }, { "country": "Colombia", "department": "Antioquia", "city": "Medellin" }, { "country": "Colombia", "department": "Cundinamarca", "city": "Bogotá" } ] …

Total answers: 1

normalize a column in pandas dataframe

normalize a column in pandas dataframe Question: I am able to import data from json file using this code… import requests from pandas.io.json import json_normalize url = “https://datameetgeobk.s3.amazonaws.com/image_list.json” resp = requests.get(url=url) df = json_normalize(resp.json()[‘Images’]) df.head() But the column “BlockDeviceMappings” is actually a list and each item has DeviceName and Ebs parameters those are string and …

Total answers: 1

How to normalize json correctly by Python Pandas

How to normalize json correctly by Python Pandas Question: I want to do is load a json file of forex historical price data by Pandas and do statistic with the data. I have go through many topics on Pandas and parsing json file. I want to pass a json file with extra value and nested …

Total answers: 2