
JSONPath issues with Python and jsonpath_ng (Parse error near token ?)

JSONPath issues with Python and jsonpath_ng (Parse error near token ?) Question: I’m trying to work with jsonpath_ng Python library. For most of the JSONPath filters I usually use it works. However, I’m struggling with a simple filter clause. It can be summarized in 2 lines. from jsonpath_ng.ext import parse jsonpath_expression = parse(f"$.jobs.*.jobSummary.[?(@.storagePolicy.storagePolicyName=='{SPname}’)].sizeOfApplication") My JSON …

Total answers: 1

Python: change json data according to provided paths (e.g. jsonpath)

Python: change json data according to provided paths (e.g. jsonpath) Question: I need a tool to modify json data with some arbitrary function applied only to specific paths expressed in some syntax (e.g. jsonpath, but may be any other). Key feature is to modify existing data structure, not to extract only some piece and then …

Total answers: 1