
In Keycloak Client I get a URL Not Found Error 404

In Keycloak Client I get a URL Not Found Error 404 Question: I am new to Keycloak and have trouble with the example client. I am using following versions: Keycloak server version 20.0.2 Python version 3.8.8 python-keycloak-client v 2.3.0. Code from keycloak.realm import KeycloakRealm realm = KeycloakRealm(server_url=‘https://auth/.******.’, realm_name=‘jasonrealm’) oidc_client = realm.open_id_connect(client_id=‘jason-test-client’, client_secret=‘*********’) creds = oidc_client.client_credentials() …

Total answers: 1

401 Client Error: Unauthorized for url [mozilla-django-oidc – Keycloack]

401 Client Error: Unauthorized for url [mozilla-django-oidc – Keycloack] Question: I’m integrating keycloak authentication in my django app After i am logged in into keycloak server i am facing error in the login callback HTTPError at /oidc/callback/ 401 Client Error: Unauthorized for url: http://keycloak:8080/realms/SquadStack/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo here is my docker-compose.yml services: db: image: postgres:13 environment: – POSTGRES_DB=squadrun …

Total answers: 1

Keycloak API does not contain "resource_access"

Keycloak API does not contain "resource_access" Question: I try to use a new package in Python called fastapi_keycloak which uses the following code: if not decoded_token.get(‘resource_access’).get(‘realm-management’) or not decoded_token.get(‘resource_access’).get(‘account’): This results in an Error: AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘get’ When I print the token I get the following: {‘exp’: 1649358045, ‘iat’: 1649357745, ‘jti’: …

Total answers: 1

ImportError: cannot import name 'KeycloakOpenID'

ImportError: cannot import name 'KeycloakOpenID' Question: How do I fix this error? Python 3.7.3, linux, keycloak==3.0.0 ImportError: cannot import name ‘KeycloakOpenID’ from ‘keycloak’ (/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/keycloak/ cmd: from keycloak import KeycloakOpenID But the command import keycloak succeeds. Also I’ve tried versions 1.0.0, 1.4, 2.0.0. Asked By: Alexander || Source Answers: Had this same error just now, found …

Total answers: 2

Standalone verification of Keycloak access-token

Standalone verification of Keycloak access-token Question: I am using Keycloak to handle login and generate JWT tokens. I need to be able to verify the access token that I’m sending to my REST API service. Best practice is to use the JWT secret to verify the token directly rather than send it to the Keycloak …

Total answers: 3