
clean_list() –> ValueError: Wrong number of items passed 3, placement implies 1

clean_list() –> ValueError: Wrong number of items passed 3, placement implies 1 Question: I inherited this code from previous employee, and I tried to run this code but I’m getting an error. def replaceitem(x): if x in [‘ORION’, ‘ACTION’, ‘ICE’, ‘IRIS’, ‘FOCUS’]: return ‘CRM Application’ else: return x def clean_list(row): new_list = sorted(set(row[‘APLN_NM’]), key=lambda x: …

Total answers: 1

KeyError: <weakref at 0x7fc9e8267ad0; to 'Flask' at 0x7fc9e9ec5750>

KeyError: <weakref at 0x7fc9e8267ad0; to 'Flask' at 0x7fc9e9ec5750> Question: I’ve been having a hard time handling sessions in flask. Since when I manage the application in the local environment everything works perfectly, including flask sessions. But when i already host it in Render i always get this error in every route. [55] [ERROR] Error handling …

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Change the strings in student_grade_str into int

Change the strings in student_grade_str into int Question: I wanna change the strings in student_grade_str into int. Here is my code: import pandas as pd from google.colab import drive drive.mount(‘/content/drive’) student_grade_str =pd.read_csv(‘/content/drive/MyDrive/student_power_research.csv’) for i in range( len( student_grade_str)): student_grade_int = list(map(int(),student_grade_str[i])) And here’s student_power_research.csv(Picture version) I ran this code with google colab. Result is Keyerror: …

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Getting Discord Bot Token from Env File in Python

Getting Discord Bot Token from Env File in Python Question: I have a folder which has a few files: Procfile, requirements.txt, and secret.env. Secret.env has one line of code in it: TOKEN = "my bot token" "My bot token" is my Discord token. Now, in, I want to get access to this token …

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Fix KeyError: '\s' when trying to replace a substring with one that includes special characters with re.sub() or re.subn() method

Fix KeyError: '\s' when trying to replace a substring with one that includes special characters with re.sub() or re.subn() method Question: import re input_text = "Hello!, How are you? " #input_text = re.sub(" ", r"[s|-|]", input_text) input_text, nro_repl = re.subn(‘ ‘, r'[s|-|]’, input_text) print(repr(input_text)) print(repr(nro_repl)) The correct output: 4 ‘Hello!,[s|-|]How[s|-|]are[s|-|]you?[s|-|]’ The error that I get: …

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Why PyCharm does not recognize user environment variables configuration?

Why PyCharm does not recognize user environment variables configuration? Question: I tried to use the PyCharm user environment variable configuration, however, it throws KeyError. If I try to set the variables via commands it works, but via configuration it does not. I will appreciate any help. import os print(os.environ[‘BLA’]) (venv) (base) mikam@Mikas-MacBook-Pro Scripts % python …

Total answers: 3

Python throws KeyError: 1 when using a Dictionary restored from a file

Python throws KeyError: 1 when using a Dictionary restored from a file Question: In my program, I have certain settings that can be modified by the user, saved on the disk, and then loaded when application is restarted. Some these settings are stored as dictionaries. While trying to implement this, I noticed that after a …

Total answers: 2