
Knapsack with SPECIFIC AMOUNT of items from different groups

Knapsack with SPECIFIC AMOUNT of items from different groups Question: So this is a variation of the Knapsack Problem I came with the other day. It is like a 0-1 Knapsack Problem where there are multiple groups and each item belongs to only one group. The goal is to maximize the profits subject to the …

Total answers: 1

Expected execution time vs actual execution time in python

Expected execution time vs actual execution time in python Question: I have two different functions for solving the knapsack problem. The difference in these functions is that the v2 function uses less space over v1. From my time complexity analysis, the v2 function should not be faster than v1. However, after running my test cases …

Total answers: 1

list index out of range for knapsack problem without repetition

list index out of range for knapsack problem without repetition Question: Problem introduction: You are given a set of bars of gold and your goal is to take as much gold as possible into your bag. There is just one copy of each bar and for each bar you can either take it or not …

Total answers: 2