
How to n-times train K Nearest Neighboar (Knn)?

How to n-times train K Nearest Neighboar (Knn)? Question: Is there a way to tell the Knn function in Python how often he should train the model before I predict a possible outcome? From my understanding, if a model is trained more than one time, it is more robust. Or do I get that wrong? …

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Providing multiple dense vectors to Elasticsearch script params

Providing multiple dense vectors to Elasticsearch script params Question: I’m using the kNN functionality in Elastic to retrieve the nearest neighbors given a certain vector. However, in contrast with searches based on terms in the query body, I can’t figure out how to do a single search request using multiple vectors. Using the Python elasticsearch …

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How to get 1:1 corresponding matches using sklearn KNearest neighbors

How to get 1:1 corresponding matches using sklearn KNearest neighbors Question: I’m writing an algorithm to match each person from setA with someone from setB, based on interest similarity, using NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors = 1). This is what I have so far: dfA = pd.DataFrame(np.array([[1, 1, 1, 1], [1,1,2,2], [4, 5, 2, 0], [8, 8, 8, 8]]), …

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How to use Dynamic Time warping with kNN in python

How to use Dynamic Time warping with kNN in python Question: I have a time-series dataset with two lables (0 and 1). I am using Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) as a similarity measure for classification using k-nearest neighbour (kNN) as described in these two wonderful blog posts: Arguments ——— n_neighbors : int, optional …

Total answers: 3

Type Error when trying to append to a list in Python

Type Error when trying to append to a list in Python Question: I am writing code to perform a k-NN search on matrices of test and training data. There are three matrices in question; the test data, the training data and matrix that is one column and contains the respective classes for each row vector …

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Sklearn kNN usage with a user defined metric

Sklearn kNN usage with a user defined metric Question: Currently I’m doing a project which may require using a kNN algorithm to find the top k nearest neighbors for a given point, say P. im using python, sklearn package to do the job, but our predefined metric is not one of those default metrics. so …

Total answers: 3