
How to find the nearest element in a list

How to find the nearest element in a list Question: I want to find the element of a given index and the element near to it from a large python list like this: list = [‘askdjh’, ‘afgld’, ‘asf’ ,’asd’, ‘623gfash’, ‘fhd’, ‘hfdjs’] And I chose ‘asd’ : number = 4 item near it = 623gfash …

Total answers: 3

Lambda Expression deriving maximum calculated value

Lambda Expression deriving maximum calculated value Question: I have this problem where I have a collection of values and I’m trying to identify the greatest distance from other value. I can achieve this easily with a for loop and about 4 lines of code, but I’m trying to see if I can achieve the same …

Total answers: 4

How to solve lambda() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given

How to solve lambda() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given Question: I have the following code snippet but it is giving me the type error above. What I basically wanted to do is add two to every element and reduct it to a single sum, but it didnt work. How can we achieve …

Total answers: 2

TypeError: 'dict_keys' object is not callable

TypeError: 'dict_keys' object is not callable Question: I have used the below program to get the maximum and minimum value in a dictionary. But, there is an type error. I am running the below code on Jupyter notebook and getting the type error as the ‘dict.keys’ object is not callable. same code runs successfully on …

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Is there a way of assigning lambda to a function?

Is there a way of assigning lambda to a function? Question: I need to assign the lambda function to a variable, and use it later in the script for small protection. Is that possible? For example, I´ll assign the lambda function to a variable named foo: foo = lambda then, when I need it, I …

Total answers: 1

Why does this replace function fail inside this lambda function but not outside it?

Why does this replace function fail inside this lambda function but not outside it? Question: import re input_text = "el dia 2022-12-23 o sino el dia 2022-09-23 10000-08-23" #example date_capture_pattern = r"([12]d*-[01]d-[0-3]d)(D*?)" #input_text = re.sub(date_capture_pattern , lambda m: print(repr(m[1])) , input_text) input_text = re.sub(date_capture_pattern , lambda m: m[1].replace("_-_", "-", 2) , input_text) print(repr(input_text)) Using a …

Total answers: 3

python lambda functions behavior

python lambda functions behavior Question: I am having a hard time understanding the behavior of these lambda functions in python 3.10.0 I am trying to define the NOT logical operator from lambda calculus (see, e.g., the definition on wikipedia The following implementation is correct: In [1]: TRUE = lambda a: lambda b: a …: FALSE …

Total answers: 3

How to unpack list created by map(lambda) inside a tuple?

How to unpack list created by map(lambda) inside a tuple? Question: I have a list of strings of which I want to have all the possible cased versions of a few string (e.g. ‘yes’ -> ‘yes’, ‘Yes’, ‘YES’, etc.). I’m using a map(lambda) construction, but I can’t get the strings that are returned to be …

Total answers: 2

Pass self automatically in lambda function?

Pass self automatically in lambda function? Question: Is there a way to automatically pass self to a lambda function in a class? I know I can pass self in the __init__ function but then I’m redefining token_functions for every instance of Parser. token_functions never changes so this seems quite inefficient. Is there a better way …

Total answers: 1