
googletrans doesn't translate the numbers

googletrans doesn't translate the numbers Question: The translator works fine for the phrases and word but doesn’t convert the English numbers into other languages if I did this nep= translator.translate(’12’, dest=’nepali’) print(nep.text) the output will be : 12 but it should be: १२ Asked By: javaNoob || Source Answers: The Hindu-Arabic counting system (google this) …

Total answers: 1

Django translations does not work

Django translations does not work Question: I’m trying to get Django’s translation system to work, following the tutorial here. Here are my two views (one for direct output, one for template), neither one works. def home(request): output = _(“hello”) # (lazy) return HttpResponse(output) def with_template(request): return render(request, ‘translation_template.html’) here is the template file for the …

Total answers: 10