
Coordinate problems and inverted map

Coordinate problems and inverted map Question: I’m using the salinity data of ORAS5 and the preview variables and information: salinity =xr.open_dataset(‘…’) sal = salinity[‘sosaline’] So, the big problem is each "nav_lon" and "nav_lat" have 2D in x and y. Where in the normal case, for example, the lat data have 1D. sal.nav_lon In the preview …

Total answers: 1

Converting UTM to Lat/Long without zone information

Converting UTM to Lat/Long without zone information Question: I’m trying to convert UTM data (easting/northing) to lat/long, but the data I’m using doesn’t have any zonal data. I know I could just use an online converter but I have thousands of rows so this isn’t viable. The data is already in my notebook as a …

Total answers: 1

How to speed up for loops in dataframe

How to speed up for loops in dataframe Question: I want to convert a data frame to the format I want by scanning each latitude and longitude in the for loop, but this process takes too long. Is there a way to make the following script faster, such as using multi threads or processing? Can …

Total answers: 1

Unable to call script into python

Unable to call script into python Question: Below is the code that i am trying to run. I have a few polygon data to convert into longitude and latitude. ‘SVY21()’ is the script i imported to convert my polygon data # Initialization >>> import SVY21() >>> cv = SVY21() # Computing SVY21 from Lat/Lon >>> …

Total answers: 1

Convert x,y position to LLA in decimal degree

Convert x,y position to LLA in decimal degree Question: I am trying to convert a pixel position (x,y) on a map tile to Longitude, Latitude, Altitude (LLA) format (decimal degree). I have a piece of a map from google earth over Spain at night time. I have the LLA for all four corners and I …

Total answers: 2

Getting Time Zone from Lat Long Coordinates?

Getting Time Zone from Lat Long Coordinates? Question: I am trying to get the time zones for latitude and longitude coordinates but am having a few problems The mistakes are probably very basic I have a table in a database with around 600 rows. Each row contains a lat long coordinate for somewhere in the …

Total answers: 4

Get lat/long given current point, distance and bearing

Get lat/long given current point, distance and bearing Question: Given an existing point in lat/long, distance in (in KM) and bearing (in degrees converted to radians), I would like to calculate the new lat/long. This site crops up over and over again, but I just can’t get the formula to work for me. The formulas …

Total answers: 14