
how to manage scrollbar with not visible items in PySimpleGUI

how to manage scrollbar with not visible items in PySimpleGUI Question: i have developed a PySimpleGUI application and i must show a list of items depending from the number of rows readed from a file. I know that is not possible to create components dinamically in PySimpleGUI, so i’ve defined a max number of components …

Total answers: 1

How to I exactly the position of a kivy text label on a canvas?

How to I exactly the position of a kivy text label on a canvas? Question: I have designed the following in figma. I have created a 500px x 500px window and a widget. I want to place the "in motion" text 160px from the left and 207px from the top. figma design For images, that …

Total answers: 2

Tkinter – Geometry management

Tkinter – Geometry management Question: I see and saw a lot of questions for tkinter that quite often asks not about errors in their code, but asks how do I organize my GUI. So I would like to have an answer that focus on that and help beginners to orientate them a little bit. Asked …

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Pyqt5 – grid layout misbehaving

Pyqt5 – grid layout misbehaving Question: So I’m trying to get a grip on Qt (more specifically, Pyqt), and I want to create a simple feedback form. It should have a title a name (‘author’) a message a send and a cancel button Let’s try without the buttons, first (the App class just provides a …

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pyqt4 already has a layout. How to 'detect' it or change?

pyqt4 already has a layout. How to 'detect' it or change? Question: I’m trying to set a layout manager. But getting the message: QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout “” to Window “”, which already has a layout How can I change or detect which type the layout is? I’d like to use the boxlayout as …

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PyQt – parent for widgets – necessary?

PyQt – parent for widgets – necessary? Question: I tried creating GUI with a few widgets, all of them without secifying a parent. It worked fine. Is this Ok, or there is reason to specify the parent? Thanks! Asked By: Israel Unterman || Source Answers: In general, it’s better to specify a parent wherever possible, …

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tkinter gui layout using frames and grid

tkinter gui layout using frames and grid Question: My gui layout looks almost nothing like what I expect so I assume there are some basics that I don’t understand. I assumed that frames contain their own ‘grid space’ (row, column) but the behavior I see doesn’t bear that out, and I’m at a loss for …

Total answers: 2