
Generate image from an unorganized typical scan-pattern lidar's point cloud data

Generate image from an unorganized typical scan-pattern lidar's point cloud data Question: I hope you guys doing well I have a LiDAR which is Livox Mid 70. Which have a scan pattern like this. scan_pattern, which is depends on the time and create the whole scene. I used ros to fetch the data from a …

Total answers: 1

How can I output the open3d geometry PointCloud as .pcd file?

How can I output the open3d geometry PointCloud as .pcd file? Question: I am converting a lidar data (in .bin format) into .pcd format with the following code with open (“lidar_velodyne64.bin”, “rb”) as f: byte =*4) while byte: x,y,z,intensity = struct.unpack(“ffff”, byte) list_pcd.append([x, y, z]) byte =*4) np_pcd = np.asarray(list_pcd) pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() …

Total answers: 1