
What is the best way to store data and when to use databases?

What is the best way to store data and when to use databases? Question: As a newbie looking to create my first program soon, I don’t have much experience at all when it comes to saving data and accessing that data. My question is, what kind of data do you store locally? What kind of …

Total answers: 2

How to get the localStorage with Python and Selenium WebDriver

How to get the localStorage with Python and Selenium WebDriver Question: What’s the equivalent of: driver.get_cookies() to get the LocalStorage instead of Сookies? Asked By: Francesco Borzi || Source Answers: Try: driver.execute_script("window.localStorage.setItem(‘key’,’value’);") driver.execute_script("window.localStorage.getItem(‘key’);") Answered By: Maxim I solved using: driver.execute_script("return window.localStorage;") EDIT: this is a quick and short answer. See Florent B.’s answer for a …

Total answers: 4