
How to access FastAPI backend from a different machine/IP on the same local network?

How to access FastAPI backend from a different machine/IP on the same local network? Question: Both the FastAPI backend and the Next.js frontend are running on localost. On the same computer, the frontend makes API calls using fetch without any issues. However, on a different computer on the same network, e.g., on 192.168.x.x, the frontend …

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localhost:5000 unavailable in macOS v12 (Monterey)

localhost:5000 unavailable in macOS v12 (Monterey) Question: I cannot access a web server on localhost port 5000 on macOS v12 (Monterey) (Flask or any other). E.g., use the built-in HTTP server, I cannot get onto port 5000: python3 -m http.server 5000 … (stack trace) File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/socketserver.py", line 466, in server_bind self.socket.bind(self.server_address) OSError: [Errno 48] Address …

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Why Django admin shows different kind of UI interface?

Why Django admin shows different kind of UI interface? Question: I am new to django, when i created a project and goes to ‘url/admin’. It shows the default django admin UI. But now, when i navigate to ‘url/admin’. It shows different UI of admin login than default one. I attached the screenshot of it, how …

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How to connect google colab with localhost running docker image?

How to connect google colab with localhost running docker image? Question: Errors while connecting with localhost link I am trying to run meilisearch in colab. I run meiliSearch in docker and I have a localhost link http://localhost:7700/. I have tried both http://localhost:7700/ as well as But I am getting error. Although I can connect …

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Connect to Flask Server from other devices on same network

Connect to Flask Server from other devices on same network Question: Dear smart people of stackoverflow, I know this question has been asked a lot here but none of the posted solutions have worked for me as of yet. Any help here would be much appreciated: The Problem: Cannot connect to flask app server from …

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CreateProcessW failed error:2 ssh_askpass: posix_spawn: No such file or directory Host key verification failed, jupyter notebook on remote server

CreateProcessW failed error:2 ssh_askpass: posix_spawn: No such file or directory Host key verification failed, jupyter notebook on remote server Question: So I was following a tutorial to connect to my jupyter notebook which is running on my remote server so that I can access it on my local windows machine. These were the steps that …

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Open browser automatically when Python code is executed

Open browser automatically when Python code is executed Question: I am implementing a GUI in Python/Flask. The way flask is designed, the local host along with the port number has to be “manually” opened. Is there a way to automate it so that upon running the code, browser(local host) is automatically opened? I tried using …

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how to access my from android tablet

how to access my from android tablet Question: I am developing a webpage in django (on my pc with windows 7) and now i need to test some pages in tablet pcs. suddenly the thought came if i can have an access to my localhost in windows from android tablet. is that possible? I …

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Why doesn't zeromq work on localhost?

Why doesn't zeromq work on localhost? Question: This code works great: import zmq, json, time def main(): context = zmq.Context() subscriber = context.socket(zmq.SUB) subscriber.bind(“ipc://test”) subscriber.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, ”) while True: print subscriber.recv() def main(): context = zmq.Context() publisher = context.socket(zmq.PUB) publisher.connect(“ipc://test”) while True: publisher.send( “hello world” ) time.sleep( 1 ) But this code doesn’t* work: import zmq, …

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