
Distinct value in elastic search with extra field inside {"key": "xyz", "doc_count": 1}

Distinct value in elastic search with extra field inside {"key": "xyz", "doc_count": 1} Question: I am working on Elastic Search (version 7.16) with Oython (version 3.6) I have the below rows in Elastic Search: {"owner": "john", "database": "postgres", "table": "sales_tab"}, {"owner": "hannah", "database": "mongodb", "table": "dept_tab"}, {"owner": "peter", "database": "mysql", "table": "new_tab"}, {"owner": "jim", "database": …

Total answers: 1

Create inverted index from a dictionary with document ids as keys and a list of terms as values for each document

Create inverted index from a dictionary with document ids as keys and a list of terms as values for each document Question: I have created the following dictionary from the Cranfield Collection: { ‘d1’ : [‘experiment’, ‘studi’, …, ‘configur’, ‘experi’, ‘.’], ‘d2’ : [‘studi’, ‘high-spe’, …, ‘steadi’, ‘flow’, ‘.’], …, ‘d1400’: [‘report’, ‘extens’, …, ‘graphic’, …

Total answers: 1

TFIDF for Large Dataset

TFIDF for Large Dataset Question: I have a corpus which has around 8 million news articles, I need to get the TFIDF representation of them as a sparse matrix. I have been able to do that using scikit-learn for relatively lower number of samples, but I believe it can’t be used for such a huge …

Total answers: 4

Is there a pure Python Lucene?

Is there a pure Python Lucene? Question: The ruby folks have Ferret. Someone know of any similar initiative for Python? We’re using PyLucene at current, but I’d like to investigate moving to pure Python searching. Asked By: PEZ || Source Answers: lupy was a lucene port to pure python.The lupy people suggest that you use …

Total answers: 8