
how to load m4a file in python

how to load m4a file in python Question: Is there an easy way to load m4a sound file in python. I’ve came across audiotools lib but I’m getting an error while using to_pcm fn audiotools.open(‘file.m4a’).to_pcm() ————————————————————————— FileNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-76-e12405d92ce3> in <module>() —-> 1 audiotools.open(p).to_pcm() /path/to/m4a.py in to_pcm(self) 456 stdout=subprocess.PIPE, 457 stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL …

Total answers: 2

abstracting the conversion between id3 tags, m4a tags, flac tags

abstracting the conversion between id3 tags, m4a tags, flac tags Question: I’m looking for a resource in python or bash that will make it easy to take, for example, mp3 file X and m4a file Y and say “copy X’s tags to Y”. Python’s “mutagen” module is great for manupulating tags in general, but there’s …

Total answers: 6