
Converting Maple to Sage

Converting Maple to Sage Question: I have some Maple code below that I’m trying to convert to Sage (which is some kind of Python) code. This is the Maple code restart: m:=15: a:=array(1..m): eqn:=array(1..m): expr:=sum(a[‘i’]*u^(‘i’-1),’i’=1..m)- product((1-u^’i’)^(-a[‘i’]),’i’=1..m): for i from 1 to m do eqn[i]:=coeff(series(expr,u=0,m+2),u,i-1); od: sols:=solve({seq(eqn[i],i=1..m)},{seq(a[i],i=1..m)}): assign(sols): print(a); This is the output for this code: …

Total answers: 2

Modelica for python/matlab/simulink/maple users?

Modelica for python/matlab/simulink/maple users? Question: I am trying to learn Modelica coming from a Python/MATLAB/Simulink/Maple background. Are there any resources for learning Modelica for people with experience in other languages/environments? When I learned Python from the context of a MATLAB background, I found a lot of help in NumPy for Matlab users. Are there any …

Total answers: 1