
How do I use the markers parameter of a sympy plot?

How do I use the markers parameter of a sympy plot? Question: The sympy plot command has a markers parameter: markers : A list of dictionaries specifying the type the markers required. The keys in the dictionary should be equivalent to the arguments of the matplotlib’s plot() function along with the marker related keyworded arguments. …

Total answers: 2

Folium 0.11.0 : Keep markers layer in front

Folium 0.11.0 : Keep markers layer in front Question: I would like to make the markers layer always stay in front, but I can’t figure out how to do it. As soon as I start clicking and unclicking layers in the Layer Control pane, the markers layer disappears behind the choropleth layers. This is my …

Total answers: 2

How to make a colored markers legend from scratch

How to make a colored markers legend from scratch Question: In Matplotlib, I’m trying to make a legend with colored "markers" like this one : this one has been made using the scatter function, but is not adapted to my plot. I’d like to produce a legend "from scratch", without associated data. The color is …

Total answers: 2

matplotlib: make plus sign thicker

matplotlib: make plus sign thicker Question: In Matplotlib, I would like to draw a thick plus sign (or a cross), but the one provided in the marker set is too thin. Even as I increase its size, it doesn’t get any thicker. For example: The lines of code drawing the red plus sign are: # …

Total answers: 2