
Recursively generate LaTeX expression for continued fractions for a given python list

Recursively generate LaTeX expression for continued fractions for a given python list Question: I am trying to generate LaTeX string expression for continued fractions in Jupyter Notebook. for example, a given Python list x=[1,2,3,4,5] can be written as continued fraction: Structure expression to generate this LaTeX fraction is \frac{Numerator}{Denominator} With Non-recursive code : from IPython.display …

Total answers: 1

Python alternative to R Markdown

Python alternative to R Markdown Question: People who work with R are undoubtedly familiar with the R markdown package. I am a vivid python user and use Mistune for converting markdown to html pages. It also supports code highlighting and mathjax to embed latex formulas in html. However there’s one type of functionality missing. R …

Total answers: 1

How do I configure mathjax for iPython notebooks?

How do I configure mathjax for iPython notebooks? Question: I’m trying to find a way for mathjax to not use STIX fonts for math in my iPython notebook. Instead, I’d much rather have it use the ‘TeX’ fonts. According to the documentation for Mathjax I should use: MathJax.Hub.Config({ “HTML-CSS”: { preferredFont: “TeX” } }); That …

Total answers: 6