
matplotlib widget disappears after first use

matplotlib widget disappears after first use Question: I’m trying once more to use interactive matplotlib plots in Jupyter Notebooks for my students. My plan is to use JupyterLab as the plain Notebook interface is not very well liked among students. Here is a two-cell MWE notebook: import numpy as np %matplotlib widget import matplotlib.pyplot as …

Total answers: 2

How to draw share xaxis subplot with multiple yaxis with Figure(matplotlib FigureCanvasQTAgg)?

How to draw share xaxis subplot with multiple yaxis with Figure(matplotlib FigureCanvasQTAgg)? Question: I want to draw a graph that’s share xaxis but different yaxis in vertical layer as image below. I have tried this import sys import matplotlib matplotlib.use(“Qt5Agg”) from PyQt5 import QtCore from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow, QMenu, QVBoxLayout, QSizePolicy, QMessageBox, QWidget from …

Total answers: 1

Plotting matplotlib figure inside QWidget using Qt Designer form and PyQt5

Plotting matplotlib figure inside QWidget using Qt Designer form and PyQt5 Question: I don’t understand the best way to link a matplotlib figure to a form created from Qt Designer. I have a form I created in QtDesigner and then compiled to python through pyuic5. My main program is: import app_framework as af import matplotlib …

Total answers: 1