
How to call CreateProcessW correctly?

How to call CreateProcessW correctly? Question: Here is my code: from ctypes import * WORD = c_ushort DWORD = c_ulong LPBYTE = POINTER(c_ubyte) LPTSTR = POINTER(c_char) HANDLE = c_void_p DEBUG_PROCESS = 0x00000001 CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE = 0x00000010 class STARTUPINFO(Structure): _fields_ = [ (“cb”, DWORD), (“lpReserved”, LPTSTR), (“lpDesktop”, LPTSTR), (“lpTitle”, LPTSTR), (“dwX”, DWORD), (“dwY”, DWORD), (“dwXSize”, DWORD), (“dwYSize”, …

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Python memory aliasing (simple)

Python memory aliasing (simple) Question: Sorry I uploaded an image so I delete it. Asked By: Andy Junghyun Kim || Source Answers: Defining equivalence (==) for objects is pretty simple by implementing __eq__ (docs linked): class Contact: def __init__(self, phone, name): = phone = name def __eq__(self, other): return ( == and …

Total answers: 3

Tensorflow Allocation Memory: Allocation of 38535168 exceeds 10% of system memory

Tensorflow Allocation Memory: Allocation of 38535168 exceeds 10% of system memory Question: Using ResNet50 pre-trained Weights I am trying to build a classifier. The code base is fully implemented in Keras high-level Tensorflow API. The complete code is posted in the below GitHub Link. Source Code: Classification Using RestNet50 Architecture The file size of the …

Total answers: 10

How to solve memory issues while multiprocessing using

How to solve memory issues while multiprocessing using Question: I have written the program (below) to: read a huge text file as pandas dataframe then groupby using a specific column value to split the data and store as list of dataframes. then pipe the data to multiprocess to process each dataframe in parallel. …

Total answers: 4

What does .contiguous() do in PyTorch?

What does .contiguous() do in PyTorch? Question: What does x.contiguous() do for a tensor x? Asked By: MBT || Source Answers: From the pytorch documentation: contiguous() → Tensor Returns a contiguous tensor containing the same data as self tensor. If self tensor is contiguous, this function returns the self tensor. Where contiguous here means not …

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In Python, what is `sys.maxsize`?

In Python, what is `sys.maxsize`? Question: I assumed that this number ( 2^63 – 1 ) was the maximum value python could handle, or store as a variable. But these commands seem to be working fine: >>> sys.maxsize 9223372036854775807 >>> a=sys.maxsize + 1 >>> a 9223372036854775808 So is there any significance at all? Can Python …

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How to concatenate multiple pandas.DataFrames without running into MemoryError

How to concatenate multiple pandas.DataFrames without running into MemoryError Question: I have three DataFrames that I’m trying to concatenate. concat_df = pd.concat([df1, df2, df3]) This results in a MemoryError. How can I resolve this? Note that most of the existing similar questions are on MemoryErrors occuring when reading large files. I don’t have that problem. …

Total answers: 10

How to fully delete a turtle

How to fully delete a turtle Question: I made a small tkinter game that uses turtle for graphics. It’s a simulation of the Triangle Peg Game from Cracker Barrel that is able to tell the player the next best move to make at any point in the game, among other features. Pegs are just instances …

Total answers: 4

Networkx graph memory usage?

How to estimate NetworkX graph memory usage? Question: How to check the amount of memory used by a NetworkX graph? There is a method for checking the number of nodes and edges, but I could not find one for memory usage? Asked By: sten || Source Answers: You can get an estimate by adding up …

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What does .view() do in PyTorch?

What does .view() do in PyTorch? Question: What does .view() do to a tensor x? What do negative values mean? x = x.view(-1, 16 * 5 * 5) Asked By: Wasi Ahmad || Source Answers: view() reshapes the tensor without copying memory, similar to numpy’s reshape(). Given a tensor a with 16 elements: import torch …

Total answers: 9