
My CS50AI Minesweeper code causes my PC to run out of resources

My CS50AI Minesweeper code causes my PC to run out of resources Question: import itertools import random class Minesweeper(): """ Minesweeper game representation """ def __init__(self, height=8, width=8, mines=8): # Set initial width, height, and number of mines self.height = height self.width = width self.mines = set() # Initialize an empty field with no mines …

Total answers: 1

2D List Minesweeper Task? [Python]

2D List Minesweeper Task? [Python] Question: I am trying to create a minesweeper where I create a function of a grid of # and – where each # is a mine and – is a mine-free spot, then return a grid where each dash is replaced by a digit indicating the mines around it . …

Total answers: 1

Tkinter can't display image on button

Tkinter can't display image on button Question: I’m trying to program a minesweeper game in tkinter and so far everything went smoothly, but somehow I can’t have an Image. I start with an image, I can configure any other parameter. I have a reference since I have it as attributes to the class class Tile: …

Total answers: 1