
import: command not found

import: command not found Question: I try to open .py file with MINGW64. File 1: myname.py # myname.py def get_name(): return "Jim" File 2: hello.py: # hello.py import myname name = myname.get_name() print("hello {}".format(name)) When I try to execute hello.py in MINGW64 shell, this error happens: b2b@DESKTOP-5QEK604 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/Python moje projekty/Dev/apiarena_django/git (master) $ ./hello.py ./hello.py: …

Total answers: 2

How can I build manually C++ extension with mingw-w64, Python and pybind11?

How can I build manually C++ extension with mingw-w64, Python and pybind11? Question: My final goal is to compile Python C++ extension from my C++ code. Currently to get started I am following a simple example from the first steps of pybind11 documentation. My working environment is a Windows 7 Professional 64 bit, mingw-w64 (x86_64-8.1.0-posix-seh-rt_v6-rev0) …

Total answers: 1