
How to cure Google Colab with miniconda installed and get on import ModuleNotFoundError?

How to cure Google Colab with miniconda installed and get on import ModuleNotFoundError? Question: I have used Google Colab for more than half a year successfully for a special application. In the beginning of my Colab-notebook script I install conda and use conda-forge for installing a key Python package. At the beginning of this year …

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Anaconda 3 not installing pyodbc v5

Anaconda 3 not installing pyodbc v5 Question: I have installed Anaconda 3 which includes Python 3.9.16. When I install pyodbc in miniconda it is only version 4. I read it needs to be version 5 if Python is above 3.7. When I run my Python script it I get the message ModuleNotFoundError: No module named …

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Cannot import package after successfully installed

Cannot import package after successfully installed Question: Environment: PyCharm Python interpreter: Conda, Python 3.7.15 I tried to install a package from github (git+https:// …) in the exact interpreter. I did check File -> Setting -> Project -> Python Interpreter. The package name appeared in the list of installed packages. (Let’s say the name is abc). …

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Spyder IDE with python 3.10 seems freezing when click run button, but it works fine if run a single line beforehand running the entire script

Spyder IDE with python 3.10 seems freezing when click run button, but it works fine if run a single line beforehand running the entire script Question: I have truble with last version of Spyder 5.4.0 with last version of Python 3.10.6. Spyder version: 5.4.0 (conda) Python version: 3.10.6 64-bit Qt version: 5.15.2 PyQt5 version: 5.15.7 …

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Error – cannot install Miniconda with RStudio

Error – cannot install Miniconda with RStudio Question: I have written a R script where I use some python lines through the reticulate package. I need to share it with some colleagues who don’t know about programming and I’ve created a batch file so I can run it without them even opening R. However, I …

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Install gseapy in R PackagesNotFoundError

Install gseapy in R PackagesNotFoundError Question: I would like to run gseapy in rstudio as I need to perform some pathway analysis using GSEA_InContext. This is what I have: library(reticulate) use_condaenv(‘/home/user/.local/share/r-miniconda/envs/r-reticulate’) conda_install("r-reticulate", "gseapy") However, it throws me error as: ‘/home/user/.local/share/r-miniconda/bin/conda’ ‘install’ ‘–yes’ ‘–name’ ‘r-reticulate’ ‘-c’ ‘conda-forge’ ‘gseapy’ Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): …working… done Solving environment: …

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How to activate a miniconda environment in anaconda?

How to activate a miniconda environment in anaconda? Question: I installed miniconda on my macOS a few months ago. Today I installed anaconda on the same computer. Now I found that I can’t activate a miniconda environment by running conda activate my_miniconda_env. Here’s my environments: conda info –envs # conda environments: # base * /Users/my_name/opt/anaconda3 …

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How do I install antlr4 for Python3 on Windows

How do I install antlr4 for Python3 on Windows Question: I’m trying to install antlr4 for Python 3 on Windows. I run the following pip command successfully: pip install antlr4-python3-runtime Installs the packages, no problem. I’m using the Miniconda environment, and the files are where they are expected. When I try to run antlr4 from …

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