
Minimax algorithm incorrectly acting upon recognizing win/loss scenarios

Minimax algorithm incorrectly acting upon recognizing win/loss scenarios Question: The following minimax algorithm in python is meant to find the values of possible moves in a given connect four board. It is called by another function, computer_move, which is also shown below. Expected behavior: minimax will return evaluations of a position based on a board …

Total answers: 2

mini_max not giving optimal move tic tac toe

mini_max not giving optimal move tic tac toe Question: iam making a minimax program for tic tac toe in python it works in some state but other it jest return first space call in array space = ‘ ‘ def rate_state(state): ”’ this def is returning 10 if X wins -10 if O wins 0 …

Total answers: 1

why minimax don't choose the optimal solution in this situation

why minimax don't choose the optimal solution in this situation Question: im doing tictactoe project for cs50 course when i was using minimax i find out the minimax in some situation couldnt find the optimal solution here is my code : """ Tic Tac Toe Player """ import copy import math X = "X" O …

Total answers: 2

Minimax algorithm for Tic Tac Toe Python

Minimax algorithm for Tic Tac Toe Python Question: I kind of understand how the minimax algorithm works for Tic Tac Toe python but I have no idea how to actually code it in Python… this is what I have so far: from copy import deepcopy class TicTacToeBrain : def __init__(self, player = “x”) : self._squares …

Total answers: 2