
Is it possible to remove specific items from Parquet and NoSQL Targets?

Is it possible to remove specific items from Parquet and NoSQL Targets? Question: Is it possible to remove specific items from Parquet and NoSQL Targets in MLRun? I did not find relevant methods and I checked FeatureStore, ParquetTarget and NoSQLTarget. I only saw ability to remove whole featureset from metastore (from DB) without touch of …

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Sklearn-classifier, issue with freez (pod pending in K8s)

Sklearn-classifier, issue with freez (pod pending in K8s) Question: I got freez of Sklearn-classifier in MLRun (the job is still running after 5, 10, 20, … minutes), see log output: 2023-02-21 13:50:15,853 [info] starting run training uid=e8e66defd91043dda62ae8b6795c74ea DB=http://mlrun-api:8080 2023-02-21 13:50:16,136 [info] Job is running in the background, pod: training-tgplm see freez/pending issue on Web UI: …

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Issue with the aggregation function in the pipeline during online ingest

Issue with the aggregation function in the pipeline during online ingest Question: I see issue in the aggregation function (part of pipeline) during the online ingest, because aggregation output is invalid (output is different then expectation, I got value 0 instead of 6). The pipeline is really very simple: See part of code (Python and …

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Issue during import, MLRunNotFoundError

Issue during import, MLRunNotFoundError Question: I installed python package MLRun correctly, but I got in jupyter this error ————————————————————————— HTTPError Traceback (most recent call last) /opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mlrun/ in raise_for_status(response, message) 75 try: —> 76 response.raise_for_status() 77 except requests.HTTPError as exc: /opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/requests/ in raise_for_status(self) 942 if http_error_msg: –> 943 raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self) 944 HTTPError: 404 Client Error: …

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Possible data Ingest count issue in FeatureStore

Possible data Ingest count issue in FeatureStore Question: I see mistake, that count of values in FeatureStore Statistic do not fit with amount of ingested values, see sample … project_name = ‘test-load’ project = mlrun.get_or_create_project(project_name, context=’./’, user_project=True) .. fset = fstore.FeatureSet("test01", entities=[‘id’]) # ingest 3 values fstore.ingest(fset, CSVSource("mycsv", path="a1.csv"), overwrite=False) # ingest 3 values fstore.ingest(fset, …

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How can I develop locally when using Iguazio platform?

How can I develop locally when using Iguazio platform? Question: I want to be able to test my jobs and code on my local machine before executing on a remote cluster. Ideally this will not require a lot of setup on my end. Is this possible? Asked By: Nick Schenone || Source Answers: Yes, this …

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What are the different runtimes in MLRun?

What are the different runtimes in MLRun? Question: I’m trying to get a feel for how MLRun executes my Python code. What different runtimes are supported and why would I use one vs the other? Asked By: Nick Schenone || Source Answers: MLRun has several different ways to run a piece of code. At this …

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