
Package installed in conda but module not found. How is that possible?

Package installed in conda but module not found. How is that possible? Question: It seems that many people struggle with this problem, but I can’t find any answer that works. I think that I am doing everything right but it still doesn’t work. I’ve built my own package and installed it in my conda environment. …

Total answers: 4

I am having a trouble importing the PyDictionary library

I am having a trouble importing the PyDictionary library Question: Basically, I downloaded the library using pip install PyDictionary and I made sure it exists by writing the same thing again and this appeared: Requirement already satisfied: PyDictionary in c:usersziadappdatalocalprogramspythonpython39libsite-packages (2.0.1) Requirement already satisfied: bs4 in c:usersziadappdatalocalprogramspythonpython39libsite-packages (from PyDictionary) (0.0.1) Requirement already satisfied: goslate in …

Total answers: 3

No module named certifi

No module named certifi Question: When executing python3 (Python 3.6.8) script on a local directory, it works well, but when running sbatch job in slurm, complains about certifi. python3 -m pip install certifi Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable Requirement already satisfied: certifi in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages (2020.12.5) After adding to the python …

Total answers: 4

No Module named pynput

No Module named pynput Question: the error showed is: Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information. >>> ================= RESTART: C:/Users/user/Desktop/ ================= Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/Users/user/Desktop/", line 1, in <module> from pynput.keyboard import Key, Controller ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘pynput’ >>> this is my code: from pynput.keyboard import Key, Controller import …

Total answers: 2

Python docx module ModuleNotFoundError

Python docx module ModuleNotFoundError Question: I am a windows 7 user with MS-Office 2016 and python 3.6. I recently found out that you can write word documents with python. I looked on how to do that I installed the docx module: pip install docx But whenever i try to import the docx module i get …

Total answers: 3

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pyaudio' (Windows)

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '…' Question: I’ve installed the module pyaudio using pip. However, when I try to import it, Python says the module is not found: C:Usershp>pip install pyaudio Requirement already satisfied: pyaudio in c:usershpappdatalocalprogramspythonpython37libsite-packages (0.2.11) >>> import pyaudio Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named …

Total answers: 2