
How to run MQTT client in background in Python?

How to run MQTT client in background in Python? Question: I’m trying to connect to DroneKit-SITL and keeping an MQTT-Broker running with loop_forever(). Whenever I receive a message over MQTT, I want to send commands to the drone via the dronekit python API. At the same time, I want to send drone data to other …

Total answers: 2

Paho(MQTT) client can't connect

Paho(MQTT) client can't connect Question: I’m using this python script to implement a basic Paho(MQTT) subscriber but under certain circumstances it doesn’t invoke on_connect. I tried the following, all with exactly the same code: Running in a Raspbery pi, broker on desktop Pc (Ubuntu). Works. Running in a Pc(Ubuntu), broker on the same Pc. Doesn’t …

Total answers: 1