
Yield both max and min in a single mapreduce

Yield both max and min in a single mapreduce Question: I am a beginner just getting started with writing MapReduce programs in Python using MRJob library. One of the example worked out in the video tutorial is to find a max temperature by location_id. Following on from that writing another program to find the min …

Total answers: 3

Running a job using hadoop streaming and mrjob: PipeMapRed.waitOutputThreads(): subprocess failed with code 1

Running a job using hadoop streaming and mrjob: PipeMapRed.waitOutputThreads(): subprocess failed with code 1 Question: Hey I’m fairly new to the world of Big Data. I came across this tutorial on It describes in detail of how to run MapReduce job using mrjob both locally and on Elastic Map Reduce. Well I’m trying to …

Total answers: 5